
Why black is the color of mourning. Mourning color. Why is mourning black for some peoples and white for others?

/ Why do some nations have black mourning, while others have white mourning?

Why is mourning black for some peoples and white for others?

When we mourn, we usually wear black. What else are they wearing? In India, for example, white clothes are worn during mourning, because death is considered there as a joyful event, a transition to the ancestors. In Japan, the samurai used the white color of mourning deliberately to indicate that the wearer of armor laced with this color is entering a battle from which he does not intend to come out alive. White color in Japan means sadness, grief, mourning. Only in recent years in Japan, under the influence of the European tradition, they began to wear black as a sign of mourning. And in some parts of Africa, the natives, as a sign of mourning, put red drawings on their bodies.

One of the reasons we wear black is that it's an established custom to express our grief. And when we see people dressed in black, it is considered habitual: black is the color of mourning. But has anyone wondered why we do this? Of course, by this we express love, respect for the deceased. Scientists have tried to consider the history of the development of this tradition and have received interesting results. When we wear black clothes, they usually make our costume different from the everyday one we wear every day. In other words, it's a disguise. Some believe that ancient people used such disguises to hide from the spirit of death, which may return, recognize them and find them!

Jun 15 2017

Is mourning appropriate for Christian death?

In the tradition of the Orthodox Church, it has developed that each holiday corresponds to a certain color of priestly vestments. On Sundays and commemoration days of the apostles, prophets, saints, priests serve in golden (yellow) robes, on the Lord's feasts they put on white vestments, on the Mother of God - blue. Each color has its own symbolic meaning. The red color mainly expresses ideas about God the Father, gold - God the Son, blue - about God the Holy Spirit. The Feast of Feasts - Easter of Christ begins in white robes as a sign of Divine light that shone from the Tomb of the Resurrected Savior, but the Paschal Liturgy is served in red vestments as a sign of God's fiery love for the human race, manifested in the redemptive feat of the Son of God. The green color on the Day of the Holy Trinity is also not accidental. This color is formed from a combination of blue and yellow.
But there are divine services when the color of the robe, in the opinion of a modern person, does not correspond to the moment. On parental Saturdays, during the commemoration of the dead, priests serve in white vestments. It seemed that dark colors, and even black, befitted such a moment. Still, the memory of the loss of loved ones and relatives evokes mournful feelings, there is no time for joy.
Such a mood is fundamentally contrary to Christian teaching, which claims that earthly death is a condition for a person’s transition to eternal life, therefore Christians of the first centuries met death so joyfully, even if it was accompanied by torment. It is known that the righteous Nonna, the mother of St. Gregory the Theologian, saw off the bed of her other son in a white festive dress, as if she knew that death for a Christian is not a curse, but a crown.

The Russian Church inherited the tradition of white robes at the funeral and commemoration of the dead from the Greek Church. In general, white is not just one of many other colors. In church symbolism, it is a symbol of the Divine uncreated light, shimmering with all the colors of the rainbow, as if containing all these colors. As stated in the Handbook of the Rector (1983), the white color clearly expresses the meaning and content of the prayers for the dead, in which they ask for repose with the saints for those who have departed from earthly life in the villages of the righteous, clothed, according to Revelation, in the Kingdom of Heaven in white robes Divine light.
Even Bishop Athanasius (Sakharov), who knew church canons very well, in his book “On the Commemoration of the Dead According to the Charter of the Orthodox Church” (1995) wrote that the black color, strictly speaking, is unknown to the Orthodox Church and does not correspond to its aspirations always, with all circumstances, to maintain a cheerful mood in their children. Black is the color of hopeless and therefore unchristian sadness.

In connection with what did mourning clothes and black scarves appear in Rus'?

“The black color came to us from the sentimental West with its worldly Christianity. In pre-Petrine Rus' and in secular everyday life, black was rarely used. Then the men wore mostly colored clothes,” Bishop Athanasius points out.
In Russia, the funeral ritual was reformed by Peter I. He did not miss the opportunity to participate in the funeral of foreigners, becoming more and more imbued with the spirit of Western European, mostly Protestant ceremonies. At the funeral of his closest friend and associate F.Ya. Lefort, Peter I walked during the funeral procession to the reformed church in deep mourning. The officers were wearing black scarves and ribbons. Banners with long black tassels, drums were upholstered with black cloth. Behind the regiments rode a black knight with a drawn sword pointing down, symbolizing death, followed by two horses in rich decoration and one horse under a black blanket.
In 1730, to participate in the funeral of Peter II, the St. Petersburg clergy were asked for the first time to put on, if possible, black vestments. The daughter of Peter I, Elizabeth Petrovna, having ascended the throne in 1741, waged a real struggle against black and forbade nobles and officials to upholster carriages and houses with black cloth on the occasion of deceased loved ones. But her nephew Peter III, being an adherent of German traditions, after becoming emperor, ordered the black color to be used as much as possible during mourning.
So the black vestments of the clergy gradually come into use at funeral and Lenten services. Although in ancient times in the Greek and Russian Churches, according to the Charter, during Great Lent they dressed in “crimson robes” - in vestments of a dark red color, it is said in the Handbook of the Rector. Initially, the Orthodox Church did not have black liturgical vestments, although the everyday clothes of the clergy (especially monastics) were black. “During funeral services in ancient Rus', vestments of “pacified” colors were usually used, that is, not bright, not flashy, more or less dark, but by no means black,” Bishop Athanasius (Sakharov) explains in his book. Black color meant the absence of light, something belonging to the "dark forces", "a host of demons", or the renunciation of worldly fuss and wealth, which was reflected in monastic robes. The monks were called so - "Chernorizians". In icon painting, demons, caves - symbols of the grave and the abyss of hell were depicted with black paint. When it was necessary to write on the icons objects that had a black color in earthly life, other colors were chosen. For example, black horses were depicted as blue.
In pre-revolutionary Russia, the mourning rituals of the highest nobility did not take root among the peasantry. The common people adhered to the pre-Petrine tradition, they did not wear black clothes at the funeral, women covered their heads with white handkerchiefs.
“Even in the middle of the last century, there was no such disgrace that people came to the church funeral dressed in mourning,” says the rector of the Ilyinsky Church, Archpriest Vasily Istomin. “Look, here is a photograph of the bishop’s funeral, in the 1980s. Women singers in white or light-colored headscarves. Another photo: a funeral in the village, 60s. There are practically no black head covers. The tradition of dressing in black for funerals is a Western tradition, not an Orthodox one. Black color as an external marker, as an etiquette that speaks of external participation in grief. But people have lost the understanding of death. For an atheist, death is total annihilation, the end of the world. A person has three birthdays: the birthday of the physical body, spiritual birth - baptism, and the day of death - this is also birth. The Soviet government tried to make people forget about it and think that death is the end, and there is no afterlife. During the funeral or commemoration of the dead, the priest asks the Lord to repose them with the saints in a place of light, in a place of bliss, where there is no torment and sorrow. According to the Orthodox tradition, the deceased is supposed to be dressed in white clothes. In icon painting, this moment is well expressed: the four-day-old Lazarus emerges from the coffin, wrapped in white shrouds. But living, close relatives, on the contrary, today wear black clothes. You see, what a discrepancy: people ask for one thing, but do another. Look, on Easter, women try to cover their heads with a red scarf, on the Mother of God holidays they come in blue, on master's holidays - in white. In the color of priestly vestments. And at funerals or memorial services, despite the fact that the priests go out in white robes, everyone has mourning clothes. I believe that even in Great Lent, women should not cover themselves with black scarves, choose blue, dark green, brown colors for yourself.
The era of almost a hundred years of forced excommunication of a Russian person from the Church had a tragic effect on the views of our contemporaries, in the arrangement of his life and life in general. We are all trying to connect the unconnected, to reduce faith in Christ to rituals and external actions. We do not really listen to the voice of the Church, because following our own habits and our own ideas is much more pleasant and convenient for us. Will we ever grow to a true understanding of life and death? For only then can we, together with the apostle Paul, boldly say that life for us is Christ, and death is gain.

  • glossy banner canvas with a laminated surface;
  • rubberized fabric for banners (cast PVC);
  • banner grid;
  • bilateral blockout banner.

Brief overview of banners
with different characteristics

All types of canvas have characteristic features on which the service life, functionality and cost depend. Widescreen banner printing performed on the listed types of polyester fabric. Special double-sided treatment with plasticized vinyl, polypropylene or varnish significantly increases the wear resistance of the material. A different structure makes it possible to choose the best option.

The cast cloth is characterized by the strengthened durability and long service life. The banner is resistant to deformation, temperature difference, ultraviolet, so it is chosen for outdoor decoration.

If you are planning to order bilateral printing - note the two-layer Blockout. The inner layer prevents translucence from the back. This is a solution for hanging banners, banners.

Mesh mesh is suitable for making large-scale banners. Its perforated structure withstands heavy loads and has an anti-reflective effect.

21.08.2019 |

Certain requirements established by the legislation of the country are put forward for the preparation, filing and consideration of a claim. However, only experienced professionals are familiar with them. But as for ordinary people who have never faced the need to apply to the judiciary, for them this topic is considered overwhelming. That is why, before contacting the judicial authorities, it is necessary to familiarize yourself with more detailed information on this matter in advance https://webisk.ru/. At the very beginning, you need to understand the procedure for filing a claim with the court. This process is divided into several stages.

1. At the very beginning, a statement of claim is drawn up, the content of which must fully comply with the established requirements and norms.

2. After that, it is necessary to pay a court fee, the amount of which is established by law, and also depends on the nature of the claim itself.

3. The statement of claim itself must be drawn up in several copies. The thing is that one application remains in the hands of the plaintiff, the second is handed over to the court office, and the third is sent directly to the defendant. If there are several defendants, then copies of the statements will also need to be made in the appropriate number.

4. Only after that you can go to the judicial authorities and submit a claim to the office.

5. After going through all the procedures, wait for the agenda, which will indicate the date and time of the trial.

It is important to understand that the admission of even one even slightly mistake in the claims will lead to his return. Therefore, in order not to waste extra time and your own strength, it is better to initially correctly draw up a claim.

Among other things, you need to understand that an application to the court must necessarily consist of certain points. At the very beginning, the name of the court and its location are indicated. After that, you will need to register all the information about yourself and the second party. In particular, this applies to the full name, address of residence and telephone number. Do not forget to indicate the value of the claim, if it is of a property nature.

After filling out the header, you can proceed to the content of the claim. Here you will need to describe in detail your own requirements, list the grounds, provide evidence that confirms this or that fact, and also list the full list of documents attached to the claim.

To obtain complete information on the amount of the court fee, you must contact the judiciary or an experienced specialist in this matter.

Remember, the plaintiff is exempted from paying the state duty only if the case concerns the recovery of alimony.

11.07.2019 |

Some models of bathing sets, which are especially popular today, came to us from the distant past. In particular, this applies to high-waisted accessories, with which it is possible to perfectly complement the overall image, as well as transform your own figure. As for the ideal body, here a high-waisted swimsuit can highlight a particular narrowness of the waist, as well as fairly rounded hips.

On the website of a specialized online store, a large selection of high-waisted bathing suits from different manufacturers and in different color shades is presented. That is why every girl can easily choose the right option for herself. However, it should be understood that such retro sets are not suitable for all types of figures. Therefore, before making a purchase, it is necessary to study all the advantages and disadvantages of such swimsuits.

First of all, I would like to note that this is a rather stylish, feminine, elegant and sexy model that almost every fashionista wants to acquire, regardless of age. So, let's find out with you who is ideal for a high-waisted swimsuit, and who is better off abandoning such a model.

First of all, it should be said that such a separate accessory is presented in the form of high swimming trunks, shorts, slips and even a skirt. As for the top of the set, it can be bandeau, halter and even tankini. Each such product is necessarily made out with additional decorative elements. It can be all kinds of wide belts, bows, as well as other details. As for colors, there are practically no restrictions. Swimwear with a high fit can be classic white, black, red, as well as bright or pastel colors. Various prints give this model a special appeal.

In fact, a high-waisted bathing suit that covers the navel is perfect for girls who have just given birth. In this case, it is possible to hide scars, stretch marks and other defects in the abdomen under high swimming trunks. And, of course, such a suit is considered ideal if there are a few extra centimeters in the tummy area.

So, high swimming trunks are able to tighten the tummy, as well as hide excess fat in the waist area. That is why they are the best option for both thin and plump girls. 1. If we talk about a graceful figure, here with the help of oversized panties you can expand the hips, and with the help of a push-up bodice, slightly increase the chest.

3. In addition, it should be noted that this model is ideal for older women who do not want to put their own body on public display.

Shakespeare once called black the color of mourning. In Western culture, it is customary to wear black at funerals as a sign of grief for a deceased person. The custom dates back to Roman times, when citizens wore a dark wool toga during days of mourning.

During the Middle Ages and the Renaissance in Europe, the color of sorrow was worn as a distinctive sign. At the same time, the reason for mourning could be both personal and related to some common event. When there was a massacre of the Huguenots in France - the famous St. Bartholomew's Night - and the French ambassador arrived in England, the English Queen Elizabeth and her courtiers dressed in black. Thus they paid tribute to the sad event.

Not in all European countries the color of mourning was black. So, in medieval France and Spain, white was worn for a long time as the color of sorrow. The Americans followed the example of the British.

England is the birthplace of modern mourning

By the 19th century, mourning and the customs surrounding it had evolved into a complex set of rules in England. This was especially true of the upper classes of society. The whole burden of this tradition fell on the shoulders of women. They had to wear heavy, body-hiding black clothing and a black crepe veil. The outfit was completed with a special cap or hat. Grieving women also had to wear special jet jewelry.

At the same time, it was considered normal if widows wear mourning for four years. To take off black ahead of time was considered an insult to the deceased, and if the widow was young and beautiful, it was also considered sexually provocative behavior. Friends, acquaintances and relatives wore mourning for as long as the degree of kinship allowed.

The custom of wearing black during mourning reached its culmination during the reign of Queen Victoria. She wore mourning until the last days of her life. This is due to the fact that the royal person greatly mourned the death of her husband, Prince Albert, who passed away early. The example of the queen was followed by the entire population of the country.

Over time, the rules became less rigid, and the period of mourning was reduced to a year. Black dresses began to be decorated with lace and ruffles.

The symbolism of black

In addition to Queen Victoria, couturier Coco Chanel made her contribution to wearing black. She immortalized the black dress as the standard of respectability and suitable clothing for almost all occasions, including funerals.

At present, in European countries, the tradition of wearing black or dark colors as mourning is preserved. Many consider it indecent to wear clothes of any other color at funerals. It is also very common for women to wear sunglasses to hide tears and puffy eyes. Men also wear black suits.

The main meaning of black during mourning is to emphasize the grief associated with the loss of a loved one or the death of significant people.
