
Adolf Eichmann biography. Adolf Eichmann: biography and crimes. Trial and execution

The kidnapping of a modest office worker, a middle manager in the Gestapo, is considered one of the best Mossad operations. That's how it was.

In the post-war years, the number one target for Israeli hunters of Nazi criminals was Adolf Eichmann. The head of Section IV B 4 in the Gestapo was directly responsible for the genocide of the Jews. It was only possible to track him down in 1960. Eichmann hid far, very far from Israel.

Adolf Eichmann in Germany, 1942. Photo: Wikipedia.
Adolf Eichmann in Argentina. Photo from the Yad Vashem archive.

Since 1939, Otto Adolf Eichmann headed the department IV B 4 Gestapo.

IV - number of the political police department within the structure of the Main Directorate of Imperial Security; B - department of churches and sects.

Subdivisions: 1 - Catholics, 2 - Protestants, 3 - Masons and other sects, 4 - Jews.

Alert Blind

Lothar Hermann helped the Israelis get on the trail of Eichmann. A German Jew who went through the Dachau concentration camp managed to escape to South America and settle in Buenos Aires. His daughter Sylvia met a young man named Klaus there in the late 1950s. The guy boasted that his father was not the last person in the Third Reich.

In October 1959, the German-language Argentine newspaper Argentiniches Tageblatt republished an interview with Tuvya Friedman, the director and sole employee of the Israeli Institute for Documentation and Investigation of Nazi Crimes. For information about Eichmann, he promised a reward of $10,000. By that time, the almost blind Hermann wrote a letter to Friedman:

“Eichmann lives very carefully near Buenos Aires under an assumed name, with his wife and four children in his own house and, with a lot of money and clever maneuvering, successfully hides from public attention.”

For several months, the information was checked by Israeli agents sent to Argentina. The final identification took place in the spring of the following year. Observers recorded a big celebration in the suspect's house Ricardo Clementa- on the day when Otto Adolf and Weronika Katharina Eichmann were supposed to celebrate their 25th wedding anniversary.

Eichmann had moved from Austria to Argentina ten years earlier. He got a job as a clerk at the local Mercedes-Benz branch. Two years later, he returned to Europe, married his own wife under a new name and took her with him along with his three sons.

Spent 6 months in Dachau in 1935, before the extermination of Jews began. He was released and immediately emigrated.

Mossad director Isser Harel (left). Photo: gpophoto.gov.il
Lothar Hermann (right). 1935 Photo: Wikipedia

Get it done in 20 seconds

The Israeli leadership assumed that an official request for Eichmann's extradition would only lead to his next disappearance. The Argentine authorities not only turned a blind eye to the entry of Nazi criminals, but actively helped them hide.

The operation to kidnap Eichmann was led by Mossad director Isser Harel. All 30 of its participants were volunteers, all of them suffered from the Nazis or lost relatives during the Holocaust. Through a specially created front travel company, the Israelis flew to Buenos Aires one by one, from different countries and at different times. Eichmann was planned to be taken out on the plane of the official delegation arriving in Argentina to celebrate the 150th anniversary of the country's independence. There was no regular air service between Argentina and Israel at that time.

On the evening of May 11, seven participants in the operation in two cars were waiting for Eichmann from work. Finally he got off the bus and walked towards the house. The agent called out to him in Spanish, “Un momentito, señor!” and threw him to the ground with lightning speed. The others dragged Eichmann into the car. We did it in 20 seconds.

Eichmann's service card in the name of Ricardo Clement. Photo from the Yad Vashem archive Refugee ID. Issued by the Red Cross to SS officer, head of the Gestapo department Adolf Eichmann in the name of Ricardo Clement. Photo: Fundacion Memoria del Holocausto Eichmann House in Argentina. Photo: Zvi Aharoni / Yad Vashem archive

In the villa

Eichmann spent the next 9 days in a villa rented by the Israelis in the suburbs of Buenos Aires. Already during the first interrogation, he gave his real name and NSDAP party card number. Members of the task force were strictly prohibited from showing aggression. This was not easy for them: even the cook could hardly restrain herself from poisoning Eichmann.

If the police showed up, the participants in the operation had to deny any connection with the Mossad. This connection was denied later: the case was declassified several years ago. Luckily, the police never showed up. Members of the German community of Buenos Aires, who combed the city, also did not find shelter. On the evening of May 20, Eichmann was given an injection that left the prisoner able to walk, but blocked his speech. He was dressed in the uniform of an Israeli pilot.

At the Buenos Aires airport, the escort presented the border guards with a passport in the name of the real-life pilot Rafael Arnon. The day before, Mossad agents staged a fictitious car accident for him to explain to border guards why he was boarding the plane in a semi-conscious state. A medical report “...can endure the flight under medical supervision” was attached.

The National Socialist German Workers' Party was the ruling and only legal party in Germany from 1933 until May 1945.

Eichmann on a plane en route to Israel, 1960. Photo: Zvi Aharoni / Yad Vashem archive The arrest procedure of Adolf Eichmann in Jerusalem. Photo: gpophoto.gov.il Eichmann in a cell awaiting trial. Photo: gpophoto.gov.il

Special exception

The trial lasted 1.5 years. During this period, Eichmann had to be guarded especially carefully: there were too many people who wanted to commit lynching. He was transported to the hearings in an armored personnel carrier; in court, the accused was behind bulletproof glass. Prison guards were also selected with special care. The prisoner's food was checked for poisons.

Eichmann was accused of directing the entire deportation of European Jews to death camps during World War II. He claimed that in his work he simply followed the orders of his superiors and the laws of the Third Reich.

The death penalty in Israel was abolished back in 1954, but an exception was made for Adolf Eichmann. On the night of May 31 to June 1, 1962, he was hanged. The body was burned in a specially designed oven and the ashes were scattered over the Mediterranean Sea outside Israeli territorial waters.

An international scandal occurred. The Argentine government accused Israel of kidnapping, demanded the return of its citizen and appealed to the UN about this. Only 40 years later, in 2000, the President of Argentina apologized to Holocaust victims for the fact that his country harbored war criminals.

Eichmann's trial. Photo: gpophoto.gov.il The trial of Eichmann. Photo: gpophoto.gov.il The trial of Eichmann. Photo: gpophoto.gov.il The trial of Eichmann. Photo: gpophoto.gov.il The trial of Eichmann. Photo: gpophoto.gov.il

There are events in history that are not customary to talk about, or are deliberately kept silent about, and only minor and logically unrelated events emerge to the surface. One of these moments in history is the events of the Second World War, or rather an episode of history about why Switzerland maintained neutrality during the war. Modern literature mentions this only in passing. But why? The country in which world finances are concentrated, stored in banks, the country that should have attracted Adolf Hitler like a tasty and desirable piece of the pie, has been left out? Meanwhile, Hitler captured all of Europe, did not pay any attention to Switzerland, and moved further to the East? Was the “Non-Aggression Pact” signed between the USSR and Germany and this did not stop Hitler at all? Where are the answers, why do we know so little about this?

As news agencies and newspapers reported in February 2002, Adolf Hitler is Jewish according to his passport. This passport, stamped in Vienna in 1941, was found among declassified British documents from the Second World War. The passport was kept in the archives of a special British intelligence unit that led espionage and sabotage operations in Nazi-occupied European countries. The passport was first released on February 8, 2002 in London. On the cover of the passport there is a stamp certifying that Hitler is a Jew. The passport contains a photograph of Hitler, as well as his signature and a visa stamp allowing him to settle in Palestine. [Many try to present the passport as a fake.] Origin - Jewish. On the birth certificate of Alois Hitler (Adolf's father), his mother, Maria Schicklgruber, left his father's name blank, so he was long considered illegitimate. Maria never discussed this topic with anyone. There is evidence that Alois was born to Mary from someone from the Rothschild house. “Hitler is Jewish on his mother’s side. Goering, Goebbels are Jews." [“War according to the laws of meanness”, I. “Orthodox Initiative”, 1999, p. 116.]

A. Hitler was a Jew. No one has ever refuted; instead, another tactic has been chosen - hushing up the available indisputable evidence of the Jewish origin of Adolf Hitler. Alois Schicklgruber, from whose seed this tyrant was born, was the illegitimate son of Maria Anna Schicklgruber, whose last name he bore. Already among her ancestors there were several Jews. Hitler's biographer, Konrad Hayden, in 1936 pointed out among them Johann Solomon, as well as several Jews named Hitler who lived in the very area, in the wilderness from which she came.

After Hitler annexed Austria, on his orders, Jewish cemeteries with the tombstones of his ancestors, archival records and other indications of his Jewish origin were methodically and carefully destroyed.

Maria Anna became pregnant while she was a servant in the house of Solomon Mayer Rothschild. The aging Solomon Mayer was obsessed with young, inexperienced "mädchen", and did not miss a single skirt that was within reach. Maria Anna married Johann Georg Hidler, a Czech Jew. The Hiedler family can be traced back to the 15th century. These were once wealthy Jews who owned silver mines. Later, Alois changed his maternal surname to the Jewish surname Hiedler or Hitler - in this spelling - a widespread Jewish surname in Austria. German researchers Maser, Kardel and others cite the words of Hitler himself and numerous evidence that Alois was the son of the Jew Frankenberger, who for many years paid Maria Schicklgruber for the maintenance of his son. Perhaps Frankenberger is a front person through whom the money came from Rothschild. In any case, this is very important evidence that everything connected with Hitler will definitely lead to “another, and another” Jew.

Adolf Hitler was born and raised in a Jewish family, in a Jewish environment, dressed like a Jew, looked like a Jew, moved among Jews, was friends with Jews and was supported by them at first, and received his political education (by his own admission) by studying , observing and criticizing the tactics of the Zionist Jews. Masses of Jews voted for Hitler, and he was initially supported from abroad by Jewish circles and the British aristocracy close to them.

Throughout the war, the Rothschilds remained the owners of Hitler's newspapers!

And the Rothschild-Rockefeller chemical giant Faben was the backbone of Hitler’s economy, which was based on the capital of the largest Jewish and German-Jewish financiers (Krupps, Rockefellers, Warburgs, Rothschilds - among them), as well as the military-political power of Nazi Germany.

In his brilliant study, Henneke Kardel writes about scores of Austrian Jews (such as Hitler himself) who gather in small circles over beer, wearing Nazi swastika medals and discussing their war crimes committed in the ranks of the Wehrmacht.

There is no doubt that many of them are holders of Israeli citizenship. Kardel emphasizes that Nazi criminals of Jewish origin not only were not punished, but also continued to commit crimes non-stop: already in the ranks of the Israeli army. He refers to the book of the German author of Jewish origin, Dietrich Bronder, (Dietrich Bronder, “Before Hitler Came”), which makes a conclusion comparable to the well-known fact about 99 percent of Jews in the first Soviet government and about the overwhelming Jewish majority in the Cheka and in the institute commissioners.

Reich Chancellor Adolf Hitler was a Jew or a half-breed Jew. And Reich Minister Rudolf Hess. And Reichsmarshal Hermann Goering, all three of whose wives were “purebred” Jews. And the federal chairman of the Nazi party, Gregor Strasser. Head of the SS Reinhard Heydrich, Dr. Joseph Goebbels, Alfred Rosenberg, Hans Frank, Heinrich Himmler, Reich Minister von Ribbentrop, von Ködel, Jordan and Wilhelm Hube, Erich von dem Bach-Zelinsky, Adolf Eichmann. This list goes on and on.

Let us only emphasize that all of the above were related to the project of creating a Jewish state in Palestine and to the extermination of European Jews.

Hitler's Jewish bankers and his Jewish supporters before 1933: Ritter von Strauss, von Stein, General Field Marshal and Secretary of State Milch, Deputy Secretary of State Gauss, Philipp von Lenhard, Abram Esau, professor and chief of the Nazi Party press organ, Hitler's friend Haushofer, who later he will become an adviser to the American President Roosevelt, the clans of the Rothschilds, Schiffs, Rockefellers, etc. This list can also be continued.

The main role in the creation of Nazi Zionist Israel and in the extermination of the Jews of Europe was played by three individuals: Hitler himself, half Jewish, Heydrich, a “three-quarters” Jew, and Adolf Eichmann, “one hundred percent Jewish.”

It is a well-known fact that the American President Roosevelt and the English Prime Minister of Nazi times Churchill were half-Jews. They knew about Hitler's Jewish origins.

Leading Jewish bankers, industrialists, politicians, members of secret societies, and Jewish oligarchs in Germany, England and America also knew.

Prominent Mormons, Jehovah's Witnesses and members of other sects, such as the Bush clan, groups and societies, knew about Hitler's Jewish origins.

Their support for Hitler reads like elementary Jewish solidarity. Leading activists of the anti-Zionist movement and talented historians argue that the state of Israel, formed under the ideological leadership of Nazi Germany and according to the plans of Hitler-Himmler-Goebbels-Eichmann, is the only heir in the world to the Third Reich.

The first full-scale experiment to breed a “superman”, a “synthetic “pure Aryan race”, was carried out not on Germans, but on German Jews. This, by no means a laboratory experiment, was carried out by the fascist leadership with the full assistance and cooperation of the Zionist elite. Together with the Gestapo, the Zionists, represented by the Sokhnut (Jewish Agency), selected single and mostly young German Jews. With a standard set of “Aryan characteristics”. And in a roundabout way they sent those selected to Palestine, with arms in hand, to fight for a new order and the creation of a new man.

One of the conditions was the renunciation of the “past”, “bourgeois-philistine” morality and the ability to show, where necessary, cruelty, ruthlessness and adherence to principles. There was an official name for this entire operation - “Operation Transfer” - and the future Jewish state was to be called “Palestine”. The Nazi leadership established a special organization in charge of transporting those who had undergone selection - the “Palestine Bureau”; it transported the most devoted Jews to Palestine, ready to die for fascist ideals. To coordinate political and ideological plans and military actions against Britain, the Zionist leaders regularly maintained contacts with the leadership of Nazi Germany (visiting the Fatherland). Joint German-Zionist actions were coordinated by such prominent figures of the Third Reich as Himmler, Eichmann, Admiral Canaris, and Hitler himself. True, Himmler later reconsidered his attitude towards the Zionist project.

The ideological connection with the fundamental “values” of Nazi Germany, with its atmosphere and style, has been preserved in Israel to this day. It is no coincidence that Hitler’s book “Mein Kampf”, published in 1992 in Hebrew under the auspices of the Ministry of Education and Culture, became a reference book for Hebrew-speaking youth...

Thousands of Jewish collaborators who collaborated with the Gestapo, employees of the Jewish Nazi gendarmerie "Judenraten", members of the autonomous Jewish fascist authorities - have almost never been brought to justice in Israel.

Israel is a country where tens of thousands of young neo-Nazis communicate, exchange experiences, read Hitler and believe in neo-Nazi ideas. New immigrants from Europe are often told “go to your gas chambers” in their faces.

In their famous “10 Questions for Zionists,” some Orthodox Jews accused the Zionist leadership of fascism and direct responsibility for the deaths of millions of Jews. They cite irrefutable facts of the deliberate disruption by the Zionists (in particular, the Jewish Agency) of negotiations on the “evacuation” (deportation) of European Jews initiated by the German Nazis (Gestapo). The deliberate disruption of a specific plan for the evacuation (rescue) of European Jews was carried out by the Zionists in 1941-42 and in 1944.

On February 18, 1943, the head of the Jewish Agency Rescue Commission, Greenbaum, in a speech addressed to the Zionist Executive Council, stated: “If I were asked whether I could, on behalf of the United Jewish Appeal, allocate money for the rescue of Jews, then I would answer no again and again!”

He could not resist making such a statement, repeating the words of Weizmann - “One cow in Palestine is more valuable than all the Jews of Poland!”

And this is not surprising, since the main idea behind the Zionist support for the murder of innocent Jews was to instill such horror in the survivors that they would believe that the only safe place for them was in Israel. How else could the Zionists convince the Jews to leave the beautiful European cities in which they lived and settle in the desert!

Around 1942, the Nazi leadership decided that it had already sent all the Jews “suitable for Palestine” from Germany. From that moment on, it was ready, within the framework of certain “barter deals,” to release a certain number of Jews, but only on the condition that they would not go to Palestine.

Who did Hitler see in the Zionists?

Meetings between the Zionist elite and the leadership of Nazi Germany had as their main goal the coordination of joint actions against Great Britain and the development of military-economic cooperation. At a low level, there were hundreds or even thousands of such contacts. All Jewish organizations, except Zionist ones, were banned on the territory of the Third Reich. As for the attitude towards the Zionists, the Nazi leadership issued a well-known directive calling on local authorities and various levels of the imperial bureaucratic structures to assist them in every possible way. In his long-term program of limiting power, and in the prospect of its abolition, the church, as well as in his other plans, Hitler saw the Zionists as faithful allies. Particularly close relations developed between the Zionist organizations and the Gestapo.

Gestapo vehicles featured a double-headed eagle on one side and Zionist symbols on the other.

The fascist authorities maintained extensive contacts with ordinary members of Zionist organizations throughout Germany. They continued regularly throughout the second half of the 1930s and the first half of the 40s in the form of scheduled meetings, mainly trips of Zionist delegations to Berlin. Formally, to divert attention, these meetings were called “negotiations.” We know only about those delegates who “lit up” in one way or another, while the majority remained forever in the shadows. Chaim Weizmann's trips to Italy to meet with Mussolini (1933-34) “do not count”: although the latter was the founder of fascism, he had no direct relation to Nazism. Even the small fraction that we know immediately rejects all assumptions (Michael Dorfman) about the “irregularity” and “disposability” of Zionist-Nazi contacts.

Trips of Yair Stern, the founder of LEHI, to Berlin to meet with Hitler's leadership (presumably 1940 and 1942).

Several meetings of LEHI operative Naftali Levenchuk with German agents, and in particular with Ambassador von Pappen in Istanbul in 1942.

Adolf Eichmann's trip to Palestine (where he was born) for negotiations with Zionist leaders: 1941-1942. He is believed to have met with Yitzhak Shamir, Yair Stern, Naftali Levenchuk and other prominent members of the Zionist right wing.

Trip of the head of the SS Jewish Department, von Mildenstein, to Palestine, where he met with leading Zionist leaders (1933–34).

Trips of Chaim Orlozorov (head of the Executive Committee of the Jewish Agency) to Rome (meeting with Mussolini) and Berlin: 1933 and 1932.

Several meetings between Chaim Weizmann and Mussolini (1933–34) and with Adolf Eichmann (1940s).

Constant and long-term relationship between Chaim Weizmann and von Ribbentrop.

Meeting in Berlin of one of the leaders of the Haganah, Feifel Polkes, with Adolf Eichmann: in February 1937.

Contacts of LEHI leader Yitzhak Shamir with A. Eichmann, Hitler and Himmler: 1940 and 1941. His unsuccessful trip to such negotiations: the British arrested him in Beirut: 1942.

Negotiations between J. Brand on behalf of Jewry and the leaders of Germany: 1944. Negotiations between Rudolf Kastner on behalf of Jewry and the leaders of Germany: 1944.

One professional historian expressed this opinion: “Feifel Polkes, and Chaim Weizmann, and Yitzhak Shamir, and other leaders and prominent figures of the world Zionist movement, and even the little-known J. Brand, were all Nazi Germany’s own agents, and not the other side, like you imagine."

Created in Palestine in 1942 under the leadership of Yair (Stern), the Jewish terrorist organization LEHI (Lohamei Herut Israel - Israel Freedom Fighters) turned to the Nazis with a proposal to assist the German army in expelling the British from Palestine.

Rothschild in Germany was very rich and had a wonderful collection of Persian carpets. One day the Nazis came to him and confiscated everything from him. Then Rothschild wrote a letter to Hitler, where he demanded the return of his wealth, and also demanded to be released to Switzerland. Hitler responded to Rothschild with a letter, apologized, returned all the wealth, but left “Rothschild” Persian carpets for Eva Braun, and in return gave money from the state treasury to purchase equally valuable ones. The SS then deliver it to the Jew Rothschild, a banker. And then, when Rothschild said that these Nazis who march through the streets spoil his nerves, he ordered a special train and ordered Himler to accompany Rothschild, loaded to the top with his wealth, gold, to the Swiss border.

Hitler kept the gold of the Nazi Party with Swiss bankers, none of whom were Jews. The Protocols of the Elders of Zion were studied in schools in Germany between 1934 and 1945. Faith - a zealous Christian Adolf Hitler is a zealous Christian. The attack on the Soviet Union received the support and approval of the Vatican. “Fascist ideology was taken ready-made from Zionism.” [“War according to the laws of meanness”, I. “Orthodox Initiative”, 1999, p. 116.] Cleansing of the Jewish nation - entrusted to Hitler Hitler destroyed only those Jews whom the Jews themselves indicated to him: the poor and those who refused to serve the global kahal. While the Habers (Jewish aristocracy) quietly left for America and Israel. In the concentration camps, the SS men were helped by the Jewish police, consisting of young Habers, and Jewish newspapers were published praising the Hitler regime. PR campaign "Holocaust" - entrusted to Hitler. The Ervays took full advantage of the fruits of the Second World War. Their main asset, their victory against the whole world, was the Holocaust project, which, according to the Jews, symbolizes and establishes the loss of 6 million Jewish lives by the Jewish people. And, although this is a lie, Hitler’s merit in the formation of such a large-scale “Flag” is indisputable. For example, in Israel, a fascist state, a law was passed establishing punishment for ... doubts about the Holocaust. The work of resettling Jews in other countries was entrusted to Hitler.

The well-known version of the death of Adolf Hitler and Eva Braun suits the official historians of fascism, democracy and communism - all who receive scientific grants, scholarships and salaries and serve the “highest interests” of nations and peoples. Having shot himself with a pistol, Hitler became a mythological hero of neo-Nazism, isotherism and mysticism. However, until 1948, Joseph Stalin was very skeptical about the operational materials of the NKVD, more trusting the information of military intelligence officers.

From their information it followed that on May 1, 1945, in the sector of the 52nd Guards Rifle Division, a group of German tanks broke out from Berlin, leaving at high speed to the northwest, where on May 2 they were destroyed by units of the 1st Army of the Polish army about 15 kilometers away from Berlin.

In the center of the tank group, powerful “ferrets” and “Mainbachs” were seen, having left the tank formation on the outskirts of the imperial capital. The examination of the remains of E. Brown and A. Hitler, found next to the Reich Chancellery, was carried out extremely sloppily, but even on the basis of its materials, specialists from the special services revealed a picture of obvious fraud. Thus, gold bridges were inserted into Eva Braun’s oral cavity, which were actually made to her order, but were never installed on the future wife of the Fuhrer. The same story happened with the mouth of “Adolf Hitler”. Nazi double No. 1 was literally stuffed into his mouth with newly made teeth according to the designs of Hitler’s personal dentist, Blaschke.

Father - Adolf Karl Eichmann was an accountant at the Electric Tram Company (Solingen), in 1913 he was transferred to the Electric Tram Company in Linz on the Danube (Austria), where he worked until 1924 as commercial director. For several decades he was a public elder of the evangelical church community in Linz. He was married twice (the second time in 1916).

Mother - Maria Eichmann, née Schefferling, died in 1916.

Brothers - Emil, born in 1908; Helmut, born in 1909, died in Stalingrad; youngest - Otto. Sister - Irmgard, born in 1910 or 1911.

In 1914, the father moved the family to Linz, where they lived in an apartment building in the city center at Bischofstrasse 3.

From childhood, Adolf was a member of the Christian Youth Society, then, due to dissatisfaction with its leadership, he moved to the “Grif” group of the “Young Tourists” society, which was part of the Youth Union. Adolf was a member of this group even when he was already 18 years old.

Until the 4th grade he attended primary school in Linz (1913-1917). Adolf Hitler went to the same school a year or two (?) earlier. Then Eichmann entered a real school (State Real School named after Kaiser Franz Josef, after the revolution - Federal Real School), where he also studied until the 4th grade (1917-1921). At the age of 15, after graduating from college, he entered the state Higher Federal School of Electrical Engineering, Mechanical Engineering and Construction (Linz), where he studied for four semesters.

By this time, Adolf's father had retired early because he had opened his own business. First, he founded a mining company in Salzburg, in which he had 51 percent of the shares (the mine was between Salzburg and the border, production died out at the very beginning). Also in Salzburg, he became a co-owner of an engineering company that made locomotives. He also took part in an enterprise for the construction of mills on the Inn River in Upper Austria. Due to the economic crisis in Austria, he lost his invested money, closed the mining company, but still paid mining rent to the treasury for many years.

Adolf was not the most diligent student, his father took him from school and sent him to work in his own mine, where they were going to extract resin from oil shale and shale oil for medical purposes. About ten people were employed in production. He worked at the mine for three months.

Best of the day

He was then assigned as an apprentice to the Upper Austrian Electric Company, where he studied electrical engineering for two and a half years.

In 1928 (22 years old), Adolf’s parents helped him get a job as a traveling representative at the Vacuum Oil company. His responsibilities included serving a large area in Upper Austria. Basically, he was engaged in installing gasoline pumps in his area and ensuring the supply of kerosene, because these places were poorly electrified.

Adolf's friend Friedrich von Schmidt, who had connections in the military environment, brought him to the “Youth Union of Front-Winners” (the youth branch of the German-Austrian Association of Front-Winners). Most members of the union were monarchist-minded.

By 1931, nationalist sentiments were growing in Austria, NSDAP meetings were held, and the SS recruited people in Linz from the association of front-line soldiers, since members of the association were allowed to engage in rifle training.

On April 1, 1932, Eichmann joined the SS at the suggestion of Ernst Kaltenbrunner. He received a party membership number - 889895, an SS number - 45326.

In 1933, the Vacuum Oil company transferred Adolf to Salzburg. Every Friday he returned to Linz and served in the SS there. On June 19, 1933, Chancellor Dollfuss banned the activities of the NSDAP in Austria. Eichmann was soon fired from Vacuum Oil because of his SS membership, after which he decided to move to Germany.

Upon arrival in Germany, Adolf came with a letter of recommendation from Kaltenbruner to the exiled Upper Austrian Gauleiter Bolleck, who invited Eichmann to join the Austrian Legion, located in Kloster-Lechfeld. Adolf ended up in an assault squad, where he trained mainly in street fighting.

He was then transferred to Passau as an assistant to the chief of the communications staff of the Reichsführer SS, Sturmbannführer von Pichl, where Adolf wrote letters and reports to the Munich office of the Reichsführer SS. By this time he had received the rank of Unterscharführer (non-commissioned officer). In 1934, this headquarters was abolished, Eichmann was transferred to the battalion of the German regiment in Dachau, where he remained until September 1934.

At the same time, Adolf learned about the recruitment of people who had already served in the security service of the Reichsführer SS. He applied and was accepted into the Reich Security Service, but he would not be tasked with guarding Himmler, as he had imagined, but with the routine clerical work of systematizing the Masonic file cabinet.

In 1935, Adolf married a girl from an old peasant family of staunch Catholics.

In the second half of 1935, Untersturmführer von Mildenstein invited Eichmann to move to the “Jews” department he had just organized in the SD Main Directorate. Mildenstein instructed Adolf to compile a reference to Theodor Herzl's book The Jewish State, which was then used as an official circular for internal use in the SS.

At the beginning of 1936, Dieter Wiesliceny became the head of the department, in which, in addition to Eichmann, there was another employee - Theodor Dannecker. The Reich government wanted to resolve the Jewish question and during this period the department was faced with the task of facilitating the speedy forced emigration of Jews from Germany.

In 1936, Eichmann received the rank of Oberscharführer, and in 1937 - Hauptscharführer.

Later, Oberscharführer Hagen became the head of the department. At the end of 1937, Eichmann and Hagen were sent to Palestine to get acquainted with the country; the invitation came from a representative of the Haganah, a military organization of Jewish settlers. However, the trip ended in failure due to the refusal of the British Consulate General in Cairo to issue them permission to enter Mandatory Palestine.

After the Anschluss of Austria in 1938, Eichmann was transferred to the SD office in Vienna, where he was supposed to deal with Jewish affairs. On Eichmann's orders, Dr. Richard Löwenhertz, a representative of the Jewish community of Vienna, drew up a plan to organize the process of accelerated emigration of Jews. Then Eichmann achieved the creation in Vienna of a central institution for the emigration of Jews, after which the paperwork for leaving the country turned into a conveyor belt.

In April 1939, after the creation of the Protectorate of Bohemia and Moravia, Eichmann was transferred to Prague, where he continued to organize Jewish emigration.

At the beginning of October 1939, Eichmann was included in the Reich Security Main Directorate (RSHA) created on September 27, 1939.

After World War II, Eichmann hid under an assumed name in Latin America. On May 13, 1960, right on the streets of Buenos Aires, he was captured by a group of Israeli agents and secretly taken to Israel. In Jerusalem, Eichmann stood trial, which lasted more than six months. On December 15, 1961, the death sentence was read to him. Eichmann was hanged on June 1, 1962 in the Ramla prison; This is the only case of death penalty in Israel by a court verdict. Refusing the hood, Eichmann told those present that he would soon meet with them again and die with faith in God. Eichmann shouted: "Long live Germany... Argentina... Austria. Farewell, hello to my wife, family and friends. I was forced to obey the law of war and my flag." They put a noose around Eichmann's neck... A few minutes later death occurred. His body was burned and his ashes were scattered over the sea far from the shore.

The name of Adolf Karl Eichmann is known throughout the world as the name of one of the high-ranking SS officers directly responsible for the extermination of millions of Jews during the Second World War.

Eichmann was born in 1906 in the ancient German city of Solingen, famous for its steel products and, in particular, magnificent blades. However, soon his family, which was not particularly wealthy, left Germany for Austria in search of a better life, and, by a strange coincidence, Adolf Eichmann spent his young years in the same place where his future idol and leader of the National Socialist movement lived in his youth Adolf Gitler. We are talking about the Austrian city of Linz.

There Eichmann studied at a public school, where his peers received the nickname “little Jew” for his dark hair and eyes. This infuriated Adolf very much and he often shouted in anger:

I'm not Jewish! I am German! I hate all Jews!

Anti-Semitism was then quite widespread in both Germany and Austria, so these statements of his did not particularly surprise anyone, and the nickname “little Jew” really seemed very offensive. They allegedly say that in his early youth, Eichmann once vowed to prove his hatred of the Jewish nation by action and promised:

The time will come and everyone will see that I am capable of doing this.

It is quite understandable that then no one paid much attention to such statements by the young man, but when enough time passed and Eichmann began to wear a cap with a high crown, on the band of which a skull and crossbones gleamed ominously, some remembered his old threats. The most prudent ones hastened to get away, and those who did not think to do it in time regretted it later.

After graduating from a public school in Thuringia, Eichmann began studying electrical engineering, but his studies did not last long: his family had no money to pay for his studies. Inflation galloped, money depreciated faster than it could be earned. Adolf dropped out of university and began to persistently look for work. Soon he managed to get a job as a traveling salesman in one of the companies in Vienna that sold petroleum products.

Some Western researchers claim that it was at this time that Eichmann first heard a prophecy about his fate. Vienna always had plenty of soothsayers, astrologers, fortune tellers and other persons of a similar orientation who specialized in predictions. As you know, in his youth they were actively visited by the mystical Adolf Hitler. For all his practicality, Eichmann, like many true Germans, was not alien to mysticism and once turned to one of the old fortune tellers for a prediction. Allegedly, later he himself sometimes talked about this.

“You have a dark destiny,” the old woman lisped, spreading out her cards. “You will send many people to hellfire, but then you yourself will not be able to avoid it.”

What are you muttering? What hellfire?

“Oh, you have a brilliant career ahead of you,” the fortune teller immediately changed her tone. - But she is also among the skulls and bones. But the power that you love so much!

“You’re out of your mind,” Eichmann threw her a coin and left, but the old fortune teller’s words haunted him for a long time.

In Vienna in the mid-20s of the 20th century, there was a fairly strong National Socialist movement brought from Germany, and Eichmann found “kindred spirits” in the National Socialists. He was completely impressed by their political program and especially its sections related to the solution of the “Jewish question.”

From participating in meetings, rallies and marches of the National Socialists, the “sympathetic” Eichmann quickly moved to more active actions: in 1927, he joined the youth section of the organization of Austro-German veterans, and in 1932, the National Socialist Party. His activity and extremely reactionary views did not please the Austrian authorities, who did not favor the Nazis, and the police became seriously interested in Eichmann.

“I’ll have to leave,” Adolf told his family, “in Vienna I could easily end up in jail.”

Where will you go?

“To Germany,” Eichmann answered firmly.

Soon he found himself in Berlin, deciding that he clearly had nothing to do in the provinces and immediately needed to go to the capital. Less than a year later, Adolf Hitler won the elections and the National Socialist Workers' Party of Germany actually seized power in the country. For Eichmann it was simply a big holiday. Already in 1934, he made every effort to join the SD.

Adolf’s hopes of immediately getting into operational work were not destined to come true: he was sent to the filing cabinet. But even there he managed to prove himself, showing what a hardworking specialist and a born organizer he is. Eichmann put the entire file cabinet in perfect order and set it up to function like a flawless mechanism. This was appreciated by high management, and Adolf received a transfer to the IV Directorate, the Gestapo, which was already headed by Heinrich Müller.

A meticulous clerk himself, Müller was able to appreciate the efforts of Adolf Eichmann and spoke flatteringly about him to SS Reichsführer Heinrich Himmler. At the same time, the presence of Eichmann’s literally bestial hatred of Jews was noted. The Reichsfuehrer liked this quality and asked Muller:

Does Eichmann know Hebrew?

“I think so,” answered the Gestapo chief.

Then we will appoint him to the Office of Jewish Affairs,” Himmler concluded.

So Eichmann began to directly deal with the “Jewish question,” and not only in Germany. He looked at the spread of Zionist organizations and the attempts of Jews to seize certain areas in the cultural and socio-economic sphere in order to completely bring them under their control, much wider than only from the standpoint of German National Socialism. In 1937, Eichmann specially went on a secret mission to Palestine. His main goal was to establish contacts with the leaders of the Arab Palestinian movement opposing the Jews.

Apparently, as Western researchers believe, Eichmann intended to negotiate with the Arabs on the expansion and intensification of sabotage and terrorist activities. He promised them serious financial assistance and supplies of necessary weapons from Germany and Italy. However, the secret emissary of the RSHA came to the attention of the agents of the British Secret Intelligence Service - Palestine was then a British mandate. Naturally, the British did not like such a guest, and the emissary from Berlin had to break off contacts with Palestinian leaders - the British expelled Eichmann. They didn't want complications.

Adolf considered it best to leave quickly so as not to get involved with the British secret services, but in Vaterland his zeal was already noted, and Eichmann began to quickly move up the career ladder, receiving the rank of SS Obersturmbannführer. During these years, he served in the Imperial Central Office for Jewish Emigration, and then was appointed head of the B-4 subsection of Department IV of the Main Directorate of Reich Security. At that time, he was already considered one of the main and recognized experts on the “Jewish question” and participated in many secret meetings at the imperial level, where the directions of the future policy of the Third Reich regarding “inferior races” were considered.

During World War II, Eichmann was very active in the “Final Solution of the Jewish Question,” as planned at the Wannsee Conference. Jews were deported to death camps from all countries that the Wehrmacht occupied, and even from Germany's satellite countries.

In the early autumn of 1944, Adolf Eichmann submitted a detailed report to Reichsführer SS Himmler on the state of affairs with the “Jewish question”, in which he complained about the lack of accurate statistics, which made it impossible to more fully assess the scale of the work done. But, nevertheless, according to Eichmann’s estimates, by the time the report was prepared, about four million Jews had already been destroyed and about two million more had been destroyed by other German services. The Reichsfuehrer expressed his complete satisfaction.

The predictions of a fortune teller from Vienna came true: Eichmann made a dizzying career among human skulls and bones, igniting the hellish flames of ovens and crematoria.

Having not taken part in hostilities, although many SS men had been to the fronts and even been wounded, at the end of the war Eichmann managed to sneak closer to the west, and there he was arrested by American counterintelligence. Apparently, they did not know, or simply did not understand, what flight the bird fell into their hands. Therefore, Eichmann was sent to an internment camp.

It remains a mystery why for so long the Americans could not establish Eichmann’s true identity and make all the necessary inquiries about him - Adolf was in a camp for displaced persons until 1946, and then escaped from it under unclear and mysterious circumstances. Most likely, he was helped by the ODESSA organization, which had already begun to actively operate, the foundations of which were laid by Walter Schellenberg and Heinrich Müller. It is possible that they themselves took advantage of the channels they created and did not leave Eichmann in the lurch.

Until 1952, Eichmann, with the help of secret Nazi organizations that had large funds, was hiding somewhere, and then moved to South America: there he constantly moved from country to country, diligently obfuscating his tracks. Finally, in 1955, he settled in Argentina, in Buenos Aires, under the name Clemento Ricardo. Eichmann became bolder, sent his wife and two children to join him from Europe, and even officially got a job at a branch of Mercedes-Benz.

They say that during another trip to South America, Eichmann accidentally met a sorcerer of one of the Indian tribes and, apparently remembering how he told fortunes in Vienna in his youth, turned to the Indian sorcerer for predictions.

“You’re a bad person,” the sorcerer muttered angrily, barely looking at him. “You have a lot of lives and a sea of ​​blood on your conscience.”

How can you know this? - Eichmann, who knew how to control himself, but somewhat discouraged, grinned.

Did they predict hellfire for you? - the sorcerer looked at him point-blank. - He's already waiting! There's not much time left!

After that, he turned and left, and the SS man tried to forget about the gloomy prediction, as he tried to forget about the prophecies of the fortune teller from Vienna.

But everything came true. In mid-May 1960, he was tracked down and captured by secret Israeli intelligence agents who were looking for Eichmann all over the world. The SS man was taken to Israel, where he stood trial in Jerusalem.

In December 1961, Eichmann's death sentence was read out. On June 1, 1962, he was hanged in the prison of the city of Ramla, his body was burned, and his ashes were scattered over the sea far from the shore. Hellfire still awaited Adolf...

After the end of World War II, the issue of punishing Nazi war criminals became acute in Europe. The Nuremberg Tribunal sentenced the leaders of the Nazis, but those who implemented their misanthropic plans have not yet received what they deserved.

In relation to war criminals, the world very quickly divided into “irreconcilable” and “merciful”. In countries that fully experienced the horrors of the Nazi occupation, the persecution of Hitler's executioners continued for decades. In Western European countries, conversations about the need to “understand and forgive” began a few years after the end of the war. Those whose cases did end up in court often received very lenient punishments, in no way commensurate with the gravity of the crime.

Goal number one

The growing Cold War helped many of the war criminals escape justice. High-ranking Nazis found themselves under the tutelage of the CIA in the United States, where their experience was used to fight the Soviet Union and other countries of the socialist camp.

Israel was among the states that were not going to forget and forgive anything. From the very moment of its proclamation in 1948, one of the most important tasks of the independent Jewish state was the prosecution and punishment of the perpetrators of the Holocaust - the extermination of the Jewish population of Europe, the victims of which were about 6 million people.

The search for Nazi criminals was carried out by both Jewish activists and the newly created Israeli political intelligence service, the Mossad.

“Target number one” for the Mossad was Adolf Eichmann, Head of Sector IV B 4 Directorate IV RSHA, directly supervised the “final solution of the Jewish question.” Eichmann was one of the organizers and participants in the so-called “Wansee Conference” on January 20, 1942, at which the leadership of the Third Reich actually authorized the start of the mass extermination of the Jewish population of Europe. Eichmann was also the main executor of the decisions made, directing the deportations of Jews and their extermination in “death camps.”

Secrets of the "rat trail"

By the time the war ended, Adolf Eichmann was only 39 years old, and he had no intention of surrendering to justice or committing suicide. True, he was arrested by the Americans, who established that in front of them was an SS officer. But Eichmann pretended to be an officer of the SS cavalry division and, while the Yankees were checking this information, escaped from the camp.

Here his traces were lost for a long time. As it turned out later, Eichmann used the so-called “rat trail” - a channel established by Vatican representatives for transporting fugitive Nazis to South America.

Eichmann Red Cross certificate issued in the name of Ricardo Clement. Photo: Commons.wikimedia.org

In 1950, Eichmann was legalized in Argentina under the name Ricardo Clementa. After a couple of years, he became so bold that he came to Europe, married his own wife, but under a new name, and took his family to South America.

Eichmann-Klement disappeared among the vast German diaspora in Argentina. The authorities of this country willingly granted residence rights to former intelligence officers of the Third Reich, and some of them even actively worked in the army and military intelligence structures of Argentina.

What did the CIA archives hide?

Eichmann, however, was not included in this number. He understood perfectly well that he was too noticeable a figure, and was aware that he was being hunted.

However, for several years the Mossad could not pick up his trail. Intelligence information suggested that he might be in South America, but there was no clearer information.

While the Mossad was conducting its search, Eichmann's name and place of residence were known to the US CIA. The CIA leadership did not dare to use the master of mass destruction of people for their own purposes, but they also did not report this information to Israel.

This fact was revealed in 2006, when documents from the CIA archives were declassified. On March 19, 1958, the CIA received information from the West German intelligence service BND about Eichmann's whereabouts and the name under which he was hiding. The CIA and BND decided to hide this.

To be fair, it must be said that the Americans did not save Eichmann. They feared that he might reveal his Nazi past when arrested. Hans Globke, who then held the post Head of the Secretariat of German Chancellor Konrad Adenauer.

The sightless man's insight

But the Mossad reached Eichmann without the help of the Americans. Lothar Herman, a blind German Jew, married to a German woman and living in Argentina, once heard from his own daughter a story about her new acquaintance of a young man. The guy boasted that his father was a big man in the Third Reich. The braggart's name was Nicholas Eichmann.

Hermann, who was keenly interested in the search for Nazi criminals and knew about the search for Adolf Eichmann, came to the conclusion that his daughter’s new acquaintance was the son of one of the organizers of the Holocaust.

Herman conveyed information about his suspicions to the Israelis.

Mossad agents began to follow Ricardo Clement, whose address was established thanks to the help of Lothar Herman. This man fully fit the description of Eichmann, but Israeli intelligence officers were confused by the too modest life of his family. It was assumed that the Nazi who fled to Argentina owns a multimillion-dollar fortune.

Steal at all costs

While Mossad agents were tormented by doubts, Clement and his family suddenly moved to an unknown direction. It took more than a year to find him again in Argentina. However, in December 1959, Clement's new place of residence was discovered.

More and more facts pointed to the fact that we were talking about Eichmann. This was finally established on March 21, 1960, when the Clement couple celebrated some big family holiday. A study of Eichmann's biography showed that on this day he and his wife were supposed to celebrate their 25th wedding anniversary.

The question arose: what to do next? The official request for Eichmann's extradition did not promise success. As already mentioned, the Argentine authorities were extremely loyal to the former Nazis, and such an appeal from Israel would most likely have resulted in a new escape.

The Israeli government then authorized an operation to kidnap Adolf Eichmann and bring him to Israel. The head of the operation was appointed Mossad Director Isser Harel. The task force for action in Argentina included exclusively volunteers from among those who personally suffered from the Nazis or lost loved ones in German “death camps.” If they failed, the intelligence officers had to declare themselves activists with no connection to either the Mossad or the Israeli government.

Only one chance

Former Nazis living in Argentina knew very well that they were being hunted and were on their guard. Therefore, secrecy was the strictest. A travel company was specially created to transport the task force to Argentina. All agents arrived at different times and from different countries.

But how can the kidnapped Eichmann be taken out of Argentina in the absence of air traffic between the countries? Mossad decides to take out a Nazi under the guise of... the pilot of an airplane bringing an Israeli government delegation to celebrate the 150th anniversary of Argentine independence. The delegation's plane arrived on May 19, 1960, and flew back on May 20. This meant that Mossad operatives had no room for error.

By the end of April 1960, three dozen people worked in the Mossad task force in Argentina, and they were personally headed by intelligence director Isser Harel.

Eichmann was constantly watched. Basic and backup options were developed, as well as several escape routes and facilities where the abducted person could be kept.

Kidnap in 20 seconds

Two cars with Mossad operatives were waiting for him not far from his house. Eichmann usually arrived by bus around seven o'clock in the evening, but this time he was delayed. Just when the Israelis began to think that Eichmann had disappeared again, he finally appeared.

When the man heading towards the house came within a few meters of the ambush, Israeli agents attacked him. Eichmann was quickly grabbed and pushed into the car. The entire seizure took place in 20 seconds, and there was not a single witness to what was happening on the street.

Eichmann was gagged, his hands and feet were tied, he was put on dark glasses and covered with a blanket. He was taken by car to a villa in the suburbs of Buenos Aires, where he was first interrogated.

The shocked Eichmann did not deny it and confirmed that he was exactly the one the Israelis were looking for.

He was placed under 24-hour guard and chained to his bed. He always wore dark glasses, which did not allow him to see the faces of his guards. The operatives were strictly forbidden to talk with Eichmann.

The Nazi was taken out under the guise of a wounded pilot

Eichmann was kept in the villa for nine days, continuing to be interrogated. As Mossad representatives subsequently assured, during this time the detained Nazi confessed and personally wrote his consent to have his trial take place in Israel. How voluntary Eichmann’s consent was, only he knew.

On May 20, 1960, a medic who was part of a Mossad task force drugged Eichmann. After this, the former Nazi was dressed in the uniform of an Israeli pilot and taken to the airport. The final touch to ensure the legend was a fictitious car accident involving the pilot Rafael Arnon, who was discharged from the hospital on May 20 with the indication that “... the patient can endure the flight under medical supervision.” It was according to Arnon's documents that Adolf Eichmann was brought on board the plane of the Israeli government delegation.

At this time, Nazi veterans, who learned about Eichmann’s disappearance, searched the area around Buenos Aires, but it was too late.

A few hours later in Jerusalem, Adolf Eichmann was handed over to the Israeli police. Two days later, a world sensation broke out: Israeli Prime Minister Ben-Gurion announced that Adolf Eichmann would appear before an Israeli court.

A process with an inevitable outcome

Following the sensation, an international scandal erupted: Argentina accused Israel of illegal abduction. Israel denied that Eichmann was kidnapped by government agencies, saying that community volunteers acted in Buenos Aires. Few people believed this, but Argentina failed to prove otherwise.

Of course, Israel was not afraid of international condemnation. What did it mean compared to the possibility of trying a Nazi responsible for the death of 6 million Jews?

On April 11, 1961, the trial of Adolf Eichmann began in the Jerusalem District Court. A trial whose inevitable outcome was obvious to both the prosecutors, the defense, and even the accused himself.

It was impossible to challenge the more than 1,500 documents signed by Eichmann personally. It was also impossible to challenge the testimony of dozens of witnesses to the crimes organized by Eichmann.

Adolf Eichmann at his trial (photo April 5, 1961). Photo: Commons.wikimedia.org / Israel Government Press Office

The defense did not argue with the documents, focusing on challenging the legality of Eichmann's trial in Israel, a state that did not yet exist at the time the crimes were committed. The lawyers then insisted that Eichmann was only a simple executor in the system of the Third Reich, a sort of “victim of insurmountable circumstances.”


The death penalty was abolished in Israel back in 1954. Abolished with one exception - its use was allowed against persons guilty of genocide. The Israeli court used this exception only once - on December 15, 1961, Adolf Eichmann was sentenced to death for crimes against the Jewish people, against humanity and war crimes.

All of Eichmann's appeals and petitions were rejected.

He was executed on the night of May 31 to June 1, 1962 in the prison of the city of Ramle. The sentence was carried out Shalom Nagar, one of the 22 jailers who guarded Eichmann in prison.

The body of the executed man was burned in the prison yard, in an oven specially prepared for such an occasion. The ashes were collected and taken on a police boat to the neutral waters of the Mediterranean Sea, where they were scattered.

Thus ended the story of one of the main Nazi criminals and one of the most successful Israeli intelligence operations.
